Elder and Adult Care Mediation

Elder Care and Adult Care Mediation Practice Areas

Disputes over providing care for frail elders and disabled or incapacitated adults increase annually. Most caregivers are unpaid family members. Paid or unpaid, touchy, quarrelsome conflicts arise. Adding the exhaustion and stress of caregivers “sandwiched” between caring for adults and children it is easy to see how problems can seem unsolvable. Our mediator helps you and your care team make peace.

Mediation resolves disputes privately, out of court. Gale Allison helps all sides communicate and avoid confrontation. First, she meets with paid and unpaid caregivers and the adult receiving care, when that person has any level of capacity. In a group meeting she mediates ending the dispute peacefully, with a signed, written agreement for moving forward.

Mediating Adult Care Issues of All Kinds

Legal, ethical, cultural, and moral conflicts complicate caregiving for adults. People’s beliefs differ, even within the same families. Disagreements about what is right, useful, or affordable are common. Accountability challenges (actions done, not done, or refused) frustrate many. Care recipients may not get what they need, much less want. Resentments build, communications crumble, and recipients suffer. Gale Allison helps people in conflict customize solutions respecting recipients’ rights. Her special training in resolving Adult and Elder care disputes assures settlements to which everyone can agree.

Adult and Elder care conflicts are different from other mediated issues. With her goal to help people communicate about difficult topics, settle their differences, and make peace, Ms. Allison's training and experience make her the perfect mediator for Adult Care disputes like:

  • Paid vs. Unpaid Caregivers
  • In-Home vs. Nursing Home, or other residential institution
  • Quality vs. Quantity of Life
  • Necessity of Physical or Psychological Therapies
  • End of Life Choices
  • Guardianships and Powers of Attorney
  • Financial Matters
  • Food and Medication issues
  • Care Plan Tasks
  • Decision Making and Control Issues

Nationwide Elder Care Mediator

Gale Allison knows the parties in Adult or Elder Care disputes settle by removing unpleasant confrontation. She knows they recognize their needs and priorities but require help to communicate and stay on task to find solutions. Without taking sides or making decisions she facilitates creating options to meet mutual interests, prioritizing the best interests of the incapacitated adult. She clearly sets and reinforces expectations, diplomatically keeping the focus on needs rather than positions or demands. Working easily among participants, attorneys, and independent expert resources, she assures everyone understands the written agreement and the consequences of failure to agree. She helps people divided by differences create enforceable solutions and make peace.

Gale Allison was an estate attorney and daughter of parents requiring 24-hour care before specializing as a certified Elder Care Mediator. She sits on the advisory board of a regional care management organization, enhancing her approach to Adult Care conflicts. See her legal and mediation credentials, explore her other types of mediation, and of course, you can learn more in her Blog.

If you are facing sensitive conflicts surrounding Adult and Elder Care issues anywhere in the USA: