The Taming of the Feud Issue 1 | Best practices for Success: Voluntary Mediation
It is somewhat amazing to me how many different ways there are to approach mediation, both from the standpoint of the mediator and the standpoint of the attorneys and participants. Some methods are very successful and some are just downright awful. One thing I’ve seen consistently is that the most essential part of successful mediation…
Read MoreMediating Succession Planning Ices the Cake
Flawed, unwritten, or unclear Succession Plans are often behind a business’ failure to thrive when it moves to the next generation of leadership. A mediator adds value in a Business Succession Planning process. Why? Both to clearly outline the leadership of its future and to assure processes are in place to handle unexpected change once…
Read MoreWhat can I do if my lawyer walked out of my mediation?
Dear Ms. Allison: Is there responsibility to make it up to me if my lawyer walks out of my mediation?…
Read MoreEstate Matters Update: The Importance of FUNDING Your Will
Gale Allison’s thoughts on the recently publicized ruling of the Oklahoma Supreme Court In Re Estate of James.
Read MoreAsked & Answered: Can I Be a Long Distance Guardian for Mother with Dementia?
Dear Ms. Allison: My mother had a stroke, which triggered dementia. This is documented by her doctor and hospital records in Tulsa where she lived at the time. I want to apply for guardianship but there is an issue with venue, from what I understand. Mother lived here in Tulsa and all her banking is…
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