Estate Mediation
What estate disputes can be mediated?
Dear Ms. Allison: What sorts of things can be mediated in a Will Contest or other estate dispute? Lily Rose, Western Oklahoma Dear Lily Rose:An estate dispute (anything involving an inheritance whether with a Will or from no planning) generally happens after the death of a family member or loved one. Occasionally, a dispute arises…
Read MoreOpen Letter to my readers concerned about rights to the ashes of a loved one
Open Letter to my readers concerned about rights to the ashes of a loved one…
Read MoreHow Can My Stepmother Take Everything I Was Promised?
My father and stepmother were married for almost 30 years when he died. About 15 years ago he showed me their Wills. It said when both are dead, I am to inherit everything. Well, he died almost a year ago and when I tried to talk to her about getting some of his things we…
Read MoreHow to make my Aunt probate my Mom’s Will
Dear Ms. Allison: My mother passed away in 2003. Her sister, my aunt was living with her. Mom has three other siblings–there were 5 of them all together. At any rate, after all this time, my mother’s estate has still not been distributed; at least not to anyone’s knowledge. My aunt has not shown the…
Read MoreWhat can I do if my lawyer walked out of my mediation?
Dear Ms. Allison: Is there responsibility to make it up to me if my lawyer walks out of my mediation?…
Read MoreDo I Have The Right To My Dad’s Ashes?
Dear Ms. Allison: My dad and mom are still legally married. He passed away in another state and his girlfriend of 3 years has his ashes. She won’t even give us none of his ashes or none of his belongings. I am his kid, so can I sue her for his ashes? Or how would…
Read MoreWhat can I do if my lawyer walked out of my mediation?
Dear Ms. Allison: Is there responsibility to make it up to me if my lawyer walks out of my mediation? My trust was being mediated and we were in the mediation session. My lawyer was negotiating. Then he walked out of the meeting. He had his associate continue, but from that point on, the negotiations…
Read MoreAre siblings from 1st marriage entitled to estate after 2nd spouse inherits?
Dear Ms. Allison: How can 4 siblings get a copy of our deceased father’s will after leaving everything to his 2nd wife who just died? An adult sibling by his 2nd wife is the executor of their estate. The first 4 siblings are no blood relation to his 2nd wife and were not adopted by…
Read MoreCan I get half of my dead father’s assets?
Dear Ms. Allison: My father died in October of last year. He did not have a will. But my sister said that he left everything in her name. If my sister was left everything when my dad died, can I still get half of his assets? She got his $200,000.00 home & most of his…
Read MoreWhat are my rights as a beneficiary of a trust?
Dear Ms. Allison: My family has refused me my inheritance left to me by one of my uncles and possibly my grandfather as well. What can I do to find out what both of their Trusts say? My other uncle and I have never gotten along and he is the head of my dead uncle’s…
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